Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Life UPDATE…cause it has certainly been a while…

Good Morning!  It is November 4, 2009 today, whatsup!?!  I realized I’m on vacation, with nothing planned and know that my updates on this site haven’t really happened for a while so what I am going to do it give, or attempt to give some sort of summary of the past couple weeks.  To start with, I am a total full fledged assistant, bank account, address, flatmates, debit card, social security number (well, that’s in the works), and my first months pay!  Legit, right?  So I am currently sitting in my room at Place Jean Mace looking out onto my wonderful Marche that takes place every Wednesday and Saturday morning.  I now have my specific vegetable man I go to, and most recently he has inquired how much I charge for private English lessons…I said I would reflect on that…I’m still reflecting.  Anyway, he is a nice enough guy and I have now made a promise to myself that as long as this marche continues I will only buy my vegetables there.  Listen to this: a large crown of broccoli, a zuchini and about 8 sizeable carrots for all less than a euro.  Its magical.  So needless to say, its Wednesday and I’ll be heading overthere withing the next couple hours.  Alright so Place Jean Mace.  My hood.  It’s a great little place with the metro, bus, tram and train all around me.  Its perfect for getting around, especially when it is foul weather.  My commute to school is about 30 minutes (including the 10 minute walk from the metro stop in Vennisieux to the actual high school).  So who do I live with?  Great question.  I live with two awesome flatmates both enrolled in a business management program here.  Their names, Margaux and Jacques-Francois (I know, so French!).  They are awesome.  Also, they talk quite swiftly and sometimes laugh mid-sentence muffling their words, I’ve gotten by and they don’t mind when I ask them to repeat what they have said.  For a while (in fact, until last week) Clement, Margaux’s boyfriend was living with us while he searched for a job.  You’d think that would be weird, or maybe a bit crowded in our three bedroom apartment…but it worked out great, I was hardly working and Clement was unemployed so we really held it down during the day.  He would always joke that while I was going to work the next day, Margaux and Jacques were going to class, he would be home ‘exercising his fingers’ with the remote control for the television, also refered to as the “zapette” in our apartment.  So as it goes, our living situation is very nice, and I feel very comfortable saying so far so good.

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