I woke up early on Saturday morning because I was informed that a young Swedish student was coming at 9:15 to see the apartment. I wanted to make sure my room was in order and that I had at least had my coffee before interacting with the potential new resident of Genevieve’s apartment. It turns out they arrived around 9:45 and to my surprise the Swedish girl had already decided to take the room. She came baggage and all! I told her that I would pack up my stuff and sleep in the living room so she could begin getting settled.
I could tell that she was a little overwhelmed by the next step she had just taken. I got dressed, packed up my stuff (which wasn’t hard because I had been living out of a suitcase for th past three weeks) and moving into the living room. I started to explain the which the apartment works, the bathroom, the front door, Genevieve… She was taking it all in. Her English was much better than her French so I was explaining pretty much everything that Genevieve had gone over with her in French. She was nice, a little timid, but I’m sure a couple days with Genevieve and she’ll come out of her shell. So Saturday night I went to take my last shower in Genevieve’s apartment. I was doing my regular routine when I went to grab the last little sliver of my soap. This particular soap that I had been using, I took from the Hotel de Simplon the morning that I moved to Genevieve’s apartment. It was about the size of an oreo cookie but a bit thicker. This last shower that I was taking was the last time I would be using that soap. It literally disintegrated in my hand as I finished. I thought that was quite profound that it was the soap that came and left with me.
Aww, Sara that was cute. :)