Sunday, January 24, 2010

BOO! Halloween in Lyon...spooky?

As I’m sure I have mentioned before there is just never a dull moment here in Lyon!  So upon returning from my vacation in Cinque Terre I was faced with the challenge of finding a Halloween costume in France.  There were a couple different parties going on and my friends and I had our choice of destinations but we decided it would be important to dress up at least a little bit.  So as I am trying to come up with ideas I asked Jacques was he was going to be…and in his ever-so-energetic way he said I KNOW A STORE LETS GO!  It turns out we weren’t the only ones with this idea because there wasw a line out the door of the store.  In fact there was a bouncer letting people in.  We had met Marissa on our trip up there.  We walked around the store which had everything from Pirates to gross goblins.  Unfortunately they were out of fake blood which limited out gore-factor.  So Marissa bought a scar that you glue onto your face or neck, I bought a headband with devil horns, and Jacques bought red devil horns that you glue onto your forehead (he didn’t end up dressing up).  We got back to my apartment and got our costumes ready.  I wore black pants, a red and white striped shirt, and black blazer in addition to heavy back make-up and my horns.  We started the night at our friend Maty’s house.  We had fun music playing and the weather was nice enough to pull some tables and chairs onto her balcony.  I mentioned that my Italian friends were having a party at their flat if we wanted to go.  This is the same flat where I had that potluck dinner…you know, the biggest flat I’ve ever seen in Lyon!  So they were all excited to go and when we arrived, it turns out that Valentine and Valentine were both devils too!  I hadn’t seen them for quite a while so it was really wonderful to see all of them.  It was quite an international party -  people from France, Italy, India, Mexico, Japan, America, Canada…etc.  So we stayed there until about one in the morning when we decided to go to a club.  We spent the rest of the night dancing and singing.  It was great fun.  Returned home very late in the evening…or should I saw early in the morning…  All in all it was a different but fun Halloween.

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