Thursday, October 8, 2009


Time waiting for the 29 bus: 25 minutes
Time on the 29 bus due to traffic: 30 minutes
Time walking from Bellecour to Academie de Lyon Rectorat: 20 minutes
Time it took to find out I was in the wrong place: 15 minutes
Time it took to sprint down the street to the actual Rectorat: 30 seconds
Time finding out there was not orientation today: 15 minutes.

It is currently 12:42 and I am home!  Although the day is in its early stages I think it is fair to say that I need a little rest.  I woke up at 6:45am to shower, get ready, make coffee, eat breakfast and wait for the bus giving myself ample time to get to the Rectorat for my ‘reunion’ this morning at 9am.  I was successful with all of the above.  I arrived at what I thought was the rectorat, spoke to the secretary who motioned me to go upstairs to find room 520-something and ask for a Ms. M-something.  I found whoever she mentioned wherever she said she would be and was told to “depechez-vous” because the ‘reunion’ was INDEED in the rectorate building down the street and it was already 9am!  I said, ‘Merci, bonnne journee’ and booked it to the Rectorat.  When I spoke to the secretary, between my heaving to catch my breath, she said I was the first assistant she had seen that day.  I showed her my contract that I was supposed to turn up on the 1st of Octobre at 9am.  That is what I was told by the teacher at my lycee.  So she called Monseiur Guillan (with whom I had already established quite a relationship over the phone).  He said there was absolutely NOT a ‘reunion’ today but asked for me to come upstairs to his office.  This Jean-Yves Guillin is the person who finally sent me my contract confirming my job and placement in Lyon.
It was almost humorous when we met each other because my case, special that it was, caused much “disruption” between the Academie de Lyon and Academie de Rouen.  Apparently I was ‘stolen’ from Rouen.  Oh well, it all worked out right?  

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